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Teleporters Available

Teleporters For SALE: I got a way for players to use their own personal TLPs (Teleporters) Teleporters can be placed on BAs only. You can use them to connect two stations on any playfield..or on the same playfield..or in the same base! There are no limitations of range or targets. If you wish to use them for travel, the Admin will sell TLP for a heavy price of 50k each. You will need 2 to start and of course that will cost 100k. Do your missions and you will have enough money for a TLP in no time. To Purchase: Once you have enough credits, remove them from ATM and contact Davos via Discord or in Game and will meet up for trade. At his time you can not place TLP in NPC stores or sell them in Traders Station. Until they do, this is the only way to get Teleports on this server.

Prep: To make TLP possible to work at your bases, you NEED to add a Spawn name to your Blue Print. You can not add a TLP to a base without this setting. So you may have to replace your base or make a mini BA just to use the TLP if you already placed a base. Also the BP must be owned by you in order to add the spawn name. To this part, simply save it (Right ALT +O) and it becomes your BP. Double click the BP before sending it to factory and set the top two names, BP Group Name and BP Spawn Name as shown in the right image. This is the key to making the TLP work. Without the BP Spawn Name, the teleporter has no way of knowing where to go. The name is also case sensitive so make sure you provide me the correct name so you not spending your time recreating the base again. Note: You can not use a BP that has a saved TLP in it for future use. If you do, you will need to open a game in creative mode and remove the TLP which is easy enough to do if you wish to save it after the TLP is placed.

Let me know if you have any questions. I think I covered everything.

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